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Aramaia International Residential School

Academic excellence along with Co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities completes the process of education. And it gives me great satisfaction that the school is progressing in all its endeavours towards the overall development and personality of the students. As you undertake your learning expedition, it is vital that you understand the role of the school, to make your journey meaningful and give yourself a sense of purpose as you walk in to the doors of The Aramaia International Residential School (Aramaia IRS).

Education at the School needs to offer them a rich curriculum and a broad range of learning experiences through which they will explore the world outside and within them. As we focus on the Gurukula system of education and it's pedagogical practices we try to implement the good values of teacher student relationship and education outside the classroom. The aim of our school is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial child-friendly environment that emphasises the unity of all knowledge, synthesises humanity and sciences and recognises the fact that each child is unique.

At Aramaia IRS, priority is also given to the teaching of critical thinking skills such as reasoning and problem solving, to help our students develop the ability to reach sound conclusions based on observation and information. AIRS is fully accomplished to provide to its students high standards of learning through its committed and updated faculty and global infra-structure. Our teachers are trained by the best in India and abroad in curriculum design, pedagogy and assessment. Our school curricula also allows our teachers the flexibility to adopt innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention among the students and develop in them an appreciation for the values of the past, the excitement of the present and the challenges of the future.

Dr. Vipin Jose Kunnath

(Chairman & Managing Director)



22-11-2023 To 22-11-2023



11-11-2023 To 11-11-2023


Academic inauguration ceremony 2022-23

09-07-2022 To 09-07-2022


Annual programme

28-12-2020 To 28-12-2020

School Garden Lawn

Latest News




Exam Results
